Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Results

The long awaited for results for the walk are here! Surprisingly both Debbe and Amanda finished the walk, with Tim driving the "emergency vehicle." A funny and unexpected discovery was made, though. Tim had been told the distance from the starting point to the church was 20 kilometers. Ironically, after walking the complete course, Tim reported from the "emergency vehicle" that the distance had only been 11 kilometers! So instead of walking 20 kilometers, we walked 11! We had to laugh about that one. Maybe you can laugh with us about our miscalculations! We also apologize for the lateness of this post, but we have been in Tanzania for the past couple of weeks visiting the Shermans. Please send all pledges and donations to Grace Ministries International at:

Grace Ministries International
1011 Aldon SW
P.O. Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509

Thank you!